Firmware 1.2.1
Features & Improvements:
- Review MDNS properties
- Check SWID before SW update
- Code Cleanup
- Update Build System – for support Multiple SWID’s
- Support custom boot splash
- Rewrite WebSocket Client handling to Mongoose
- Enable AutoIP – Link Local IP addressing
- Make MDNS instance name the same as Given name in setup
- Improve stability of callbacks
- Handle Amp – MDNS updates
- Optimize Encoder Inputs
- Encoder overrun
- Device reboot when trying to change ip settings (address)
- Using Zyxel switch causes unexpected reboot on Wall-S1
- Abort FW update might cause crash
- Exception in freertos queue.c cases reboot.
- Draw buffer sometimes NULL
- Update from webpage not working
- Reboot from webpage not working
- Volume returns to 1 when turning knob counter clock wise
after mute