Firmware: Blaze Audio PowerZone™ Connect series

Introducing the latest firmware update for the Blaze Audio PowerZone™ Connect series.

With this update, you can expect to experience upgraded functionality and improved usability in our PowerZone™ Control web app. We have also included important bug fixes and improvements that enhance the functionality and stability of our Blaze Audio PowerZone™ Connect series and Blaze Audio Wall-S1 controller.

We highly recommend that all users upgrade to the latest firmware to take advantage of all the new improvements. To identify the firmware version of your Blaze Audio PowerZone™ Connect amplifier and the steps required to update the firmware, please read our firmware update guide at

During the firmware update process, the status bar may stop periodically. We ask for your patience and advise against interrupting the update, as it can take up to three minutes to complete.


Thank you for choosing Blaze Audio.

Firmware 1.7.0

Features & Improvements:

FW 1.7.0 is a bigger firmware, which firstly provides end user access to the amplifiers, while also having changes within the frontend/maintenance.

There are no bugs nor other major changes within the UI other than a small enhancement displaying e.g., “A+B” in the tabs, when combining two zones in stereo mode.

User Control

End users have now a simplified interface with essential controls:

  • “All Zones”
    • Instantly mutes all zones.
  • Zone Overview:
    • Adjust volume
      • Turn it up and down and adjust the volume
    • VU-meter:
      • Displays current audio output for each zone.
    • Mute Button:
      • Allows individual zones to be muted.
    • Zone/Input Selection:
      • Facilitates switching between different zones or inputs.
    • Mix Editing:
      • Permits adjustments to the audio mix.

Access restrictions:

  • End users are limited to the page “User Control”.
  • Installers can log in for advanced settings and configurations. This is setup through the tab “Security”, where they first setup a PIN which ensures that it is only an installer that can access the configuration of the amplifier, while the page “User Control” is accessbile to end users.

Guide to setup “User Control”

  1. Update the amplifiuer with firmware 1.7.0.
  2. Enter “Security” of the amplifier.
  3. Enter a password and click “Apply”.
  4. Enable “User Control” and select what zones to show for end user.
  5. Click “Apply” in the top right corner.
  6. Click “Log out” in the bottom right corner.

User Control

On setup:

When enabled:

Code refactoring / UI Components

The Software Team has done changes in the frontend, which ensures that all buttons are based on components. The buttons therefore look different compared to versions earlier than firmware 1.7.0. The changes ensure better maintenance and improves testability of the application.

An overview of the affected areas is provided below.

Examples are chosen from each of the respected firmware, so it is easy to see the difference between the two firmware.

Area 1 – Button arrangement (EQ)

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Primary buttons are placed towards the right, while the secondary buttons from left to right.

Area 2 – OK replaced with Close

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 3 – All toggles (when toggled/enabled)

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 4 – Secondary buttons e.g., “Reset” is outlined

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

This goes throughout the entire GUI, so all secondary buttons are marked with an outer line.

Area 5 – Speaker preset (button alignment)

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 6 – Disabled buttons are “clear” (e.g., example with button “Clear”)

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 7 – Alignment on buttons on the tab “Device”

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 8 – External devices

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 9 – Backup & Restore

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Area 10 – Speaker Library (buttons switched place)

Firmware 1.6.7

Firmware 1.7.0

Firmware 1.6.5

Features & Improvements:


  • Deleting Device Name in the Amp UI causes the device to reboot in a few seconds
    • When trying to update the name for the amplifier to something else on the tab “Device”, then the amplifier suddenly rebooted.
  • Pop (Dante Input) when powering on
    • There was a pop on Dante input when powering on and zone volume was set to -10dB.
  • Input filter not applied for Secondary channel

Firmware 1.6.4

Features & Improvements:


  • Enable DHCP as the default setting for PowerZone™ Connect amplifiers.
    • PowerZone™ Connect amplifiers will now utilize dynamic IP addresses by default, reducing the occurrence of IP conflicts on the network.


  • Compatibility between Blaze Audio Wall-S1 controllers and older PowerZone™ Connect firmware has been restored.
  • Resolved an issue where Limiters were incorrectly displayed as inaccessible in the UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the name of the PowerZone™ Connect amplifier would not update after a reset has been fixed.

Firmware 1.6.2

Features & Improvements:


  • Prepare ODM Option: DHCP as default
  • Support and Power Management for 8CH
  • EQ changes – aligning it on input output and speaker EQ
  • Device name to be displayed in the tab of the browser
  • Stereo linking improvement for zones
  • Validate SSDP for all models from the specific vendors
  • Create REST API endpoint for quering device
  • Add validation before storing configuration
  • Reset Amp – Keep Network Settings
  • Decrease standby power consumption in standby mode
  • Improve MDNS Naming


  • Misaligned faders and scales
  • Input EQ filter type changes not registered by amp.
  • Cancelling the FW update during update causes crash
  • Undervoltage Detection and Protection on 7.5V Rail
  • Amplifier disable do not mute the UA-module
  • Threshold not showing the same amount of decimals consistently in the WebGui
  • Writing more than 32 chars in “Installation notes”
  • The configuration is reset after a reboot
  • Connected Wall Controller displays update icon – when not paired
  • 256 character string in notes is not restored to 256, instead 84
  • Clip indication when no music played
  • No bridgemode for Dante Amps
  • Invalid Hardware “License” not indicated on LEDS
  • Disable ethernet led in standby mode
  • DSP hibernate mode when 1V2 is disabled.
  • Firmware Upload using chunked upload crashed amplifier
  • Amplifier doesn’t enter standby via GPIO when in “Network mode”
  • Ethernet LED not updated in standby mode
  • GPIO Default settings not correctly labeled in UI
  • Unable to set Standby timeout time in “Audio (DSP)”
  • Slider not visible
  • Connection handling – evaluation buildup

Firmware 1.5.0

Features & Improvements:


  • Dante support
  • Close all TCP Connection upon reboot
  • Route mix to SPDIF/Dante
  • Output route VU meters to SPDIF/Dante
  • Added timeout for locating on Amplifier (2min)
  • Added PowerMode AudioDigital
    New Power On Mode : Audio Digital – amplifier is always running DSP, allowing sleep/wakeup of the amplifier by looking on output on the Output Channels.


  • Minor bugfixes

Firmware 1.4.1

Features & Improvements:


  • Q with 2 decimals (Everywhere)
  • Override Volume Should not be 0dbFS
  • Output/Speaker EQ – Q should be Logarithmic
  • Crossover – Frequency Should be Logarithmic
  • Crossover – Sliders missing Tick markers and labels


  • Zone Gain cannot be changed using Keyboard
  • Decimal separator works differently in Chrome and
  • INC command for Zone – not respecting Limits
  • MIX Gain mute is -140, INC commands are starting
    from -140, not minimum
  • “Clear” button in output -> equalizer activates all 10
  • Changing tabs after editing a speaker EQ band above
    10 goes to empty page.
  • Pressing enter when entering text in “Installation
    Notes” prevents data from being saved.
  • Output Routing slider not updated correctly on max
  • Input EQ – Frequency Formatting
  • Generator – Wrong indication of kHz
  • Cannot enter 0,4 by keyboard in all Q-Fields
  • Driver Alignment/Delay Quantization
  • Delay in samples not shown
  • Frequency decimal displayed within Hz range
  • Slider marker labels overlap on mobile
  • Blank page when going to a different zone, after
    returning from 11th+ band speaker eq edit on mobile.
  • Speaker Library Collapsed on Speaker Library Page.
  • Sliders has invalid Step Size when using Keyboard

Firmware 1.4.0

Features & Improvements:


  • Combine input sources in 2 or 4 separate mixers
  • Talk Over (Ducking) with Priority Routing
  • Input High Pass Filter
  • Output Routing Added (SPDIF)
  • Generator Update
  • Rename Noise Generator to Generator
  • Added Band Pass Filter for Generator
  • Added Sine Generator
  • Add 5-band parametric EQ on each analogue input
  • Webserver updated to Mongoose

Wall-S1 controller specific

  • Possibility to disable Mute for Zone
  • Zone source limitation
  • Possibility to locate a Wall-S1 controller
  • Possibility for Separate Pin Code for Volume/Source
    and Settings


  • Input VU meters directly at ADC Inputs
  • DSP VU Optimization
  • DSP Readback Optimization
  • DSP Panic Handling
  • Framework Optimization
  • Intelligent Handling of Stereo Changes
  • Preparing Dante Model Support
  • Input Page Update
  • Improve API performance
  • UPnP Parameters for WallS1 and Amplifiers updated
  • EQ’s – Only first EQ turned on by default
  • Unable to edit/ change IP address in external devices
  • Sometimes after “Forget device” – unconnected device
    shows “online” status
  • Close All TCP Connection upon reboot

GUI updates

  • Quasar Framework Update
  • Some Warning text not readable on dark backgrounds
  • Hide Footer in Mobile View – When inside a sub-view
  • Add Indication if Wall Controller needs updated


  • FW Update Fails sometimes on Wi-Fi
  • Long Speaker Names looks Wrong on Mobile
  • API: “SYSTEM.STATUS.WIFI” invalid if Wi-Fi disabled

Firmware 1.3.3

Features & Improvements:

User improvements

  • Input clip LED threshold


  • In stereo zone: change source to off – right channel still playing
  • WatchDog crash when standby
  • Invert button on dashpanel is not consistent with polarity
  • Zone Compressor Indicator not working in mobile
  • Firmware update occasionally fails when performed over WiFi
  • Protocol parser does not handle carrige return
  • Protocol parser error handling updated
  • Resolved the issue causing the loss of all settings upon restarting the amplifier

Firmware 1.3.0

Features & Improvements:

New features

  • Setup of the wall controller:
    Settings → External Devices.
  • Auto discovery when using a Control4 control system.
  • Output gain/trim -30dB to +15dB.
  • Zone volume range limitation – minimum and maximum setting.
  • Zone volume control “log” scale – larger dB steps at low settings compared to high settings for smoother volume control.
  • WebGUI password protection added.
  • Output clip limiter fast setting.
  • Polarity/ invert switch added to each output.

Value and GUI changes

  • EQ ON/OFF switch available in mobile view and not only in desktop view.
  • Input Gain/Trim changed from +/-10dB to +/-15dB.
  • Input clip detection changed to -0.5dBFS.
  • VU meters now have scales, peak hold and peak hold value.
  • Mono/ Stereo buttons changed and moved next to the VU meters.
  • Other minor GUI changes and bug fixes.


  • DSP updated while amplifier in standby.
  • Speaker Preset Customization.
  • Speaker Preset cannot use non-ASCII

Firmware 1.2.0

Features & Improvements:

New features

  • Speaker presets can now be generated, imported and exported. During export it is possible to choose exactly which parameters (equalizer, crossover, delay etc.) should be included in the preset, and which should remain protected. The speaker preset function is located under the output settings menu.
  • An internal speaker library for storing speaker presets locally within the amplifier has been added. The speaker library is located under the general settings menu.
  • All speaker related settings (equalizer, driver alignment, crossover etc.) are now contained within the new speaker preset function, located under the output settings menu.
  • Several enhancements to EQ settings have been made, as outlined here (secton 1-5):
    1. Butterworth 36dB/octave and 18dB/octave high pass and lowpass filters are added to the crossover section for increased flexibility and compatibility with existing speaker presets.
    2. Low shelf 6dB/octave and High shelf 6dB/ octave filter types are added to the EQ and speaker EQ sections for increased flexibility and compatibility with existing speaker presets.
    3. Low shelf 12dB/octave and High shelf 12dB/ octave filter types are added to the EQ and speaker EQ sections for increased flexibility and compatibility with existing speaker presets.
    4. Low pass 6dB/octave and High pass 6dB/octave filter types are added to the EQ and speaker EQ sections for increased flexibility and compatibility with existing speaker presets.
    5. All Pass (1st order) filter type are added to the EQ and speaker EQ sections to complement the All Pass (2nd order) filter for increased flexibility with speaker and room tuning.
  • The output limiter section has been improved with RMS limiters to complement the peak limiters. (Note: RMS limiters are most typically used to protect the connected loudspeakers from thermal overload).
  • RMS limiter now adjustable in 70V and 100V
  • A switch is added to the speaker EQ settings to
    show the combined speaker EQ and crossover
  • Each output now supports loading an FIR filter
    up to 512 taps (48kHz) to be included in the
    speaker presets.
  • The output limiter section has been improved
    with Clip limiter disable. This is normally only
    used when designing subwoofer presets where
    the load is well known, and the designer adjusts
    the system to avoid overload.
  • In addition to the Web socket API – Raw TCP
    sockets API is now added for systems supporting
    this protocol.
  • WIFI client mode supported.
  • Maximum Q of parametric, Notch, Lowpass and
    high pass filters changed from 10 to 30.
  • Driver alignment enable switch default changed
    from enabled to disabled.
  • Zone Compressor parameter hold time is added.
  • Output limiter name changed from “Limiter” to
    “Peak limiter” (function is unchanged).
  • (peak) Limiter maximum attack time changed
    from 50ms to 100ms.
  • (peak) Limiter maximum release time changed
    from 1000ms to 2000ms.
  • (peak) Limiter knee parameter is added.
  • Equalizer name changed from “Equalizer” to


  • Minor GUI changes and bug fixes.

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